
Showing posts from 2011

The Good, the Bad and the Baby...

Firstly, I wanted to announce that my wife is 8 months pregnant! Yes, the end of the line is so close that we could almost touch it. Time seems to fly by and what seemed like a dream, is now close to a reality...Just a tip to all those who feel that time goes by slowly until the due date of delivery, try counting down according to weeks instead of months. Believe me, though it seems trivial, it is a world of a difference to your mind.

3 Women & a little Baby...with the dad of course...

They say, behind every successful man is a woman and I'm a fruit of that success as I was raised by a great woman. Me and my wife believe that a good upbringing encompassed with God's guidance only brings about a person with good character and values. Our little princess is coming in seven weeks or so therefore we are looking for the perfect babysitter and also the right confinement lady. Some things are taught in school and books but we plan to raise baby up with the perfect guidance book which is of course written by the One above. Having said that, God also placed parents and babysitters to be His instrument of guidance.

A rose (or a Baby) by any other name would smell just as sweet

The Bard was an exquisite playwright and poet and the famous line of his from his play, Romeo & Juliet states, "A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet" came when Romeo was trying to woo Juliet even though knowing that their families would never agree to their union as they were sworn enemies. In this case, what's in a name? A name can signify kingship as in David, an explorer as in Marco or even a nurse as in Florence. I believe a name is a very important part of anyone. Me and my wife have gone through the vast expanse of baby names to come up with a perfect name for our little madam. Out of the thousands of names possible, what was the one name we decided was perfect for baby. Of course, we prayed and asked God first for His guidance before doing anything and after much thought and discussion, we finally decided... But wait, we will not make it too easy for you readers...sometimes things end perfectly happy and never in endings, that insults anyone.....

It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's a baby...

X always represent nothing or a representation of the unknown (as in a mathematical equation). But imagine what a double X can do to two eagerly awaiting parents...ok for those who don't know, a double X chromosome in a baby signifies a princess in the making (my wife is already telling me how much I'm going to spoil her...) Yes! we are having a baby girl!!! And as much as they (the girls) will steal attention when they are born, she seems to have taken all the attention even while my wife is carrying her. A close friend said that a baby is like a parasite, "sucking" away the life of the host which in this case is my poor wife.

Money is for nothing and Baby's for free (yeah right!)

They say money makes the world go around. This may be true in some sense as everything that we need to do on this planet involves money. If you need to eat, drink, pee and breathe (hello oxygen bars anyone) out comes the "ka-ching" and you're a few ringgit short. The Sultans of Swing talked about "chicks" for free but in our case, it is the baby for wish. My wife's elder brother is genius when it comes to finance and in particular, investment. It's very interesting to hear him talk and give advice. He always says that investment in property is good and investment in vehicles is quite the opposite (I guess I have to think twice before getting my Ferrari hehe).

Hit me Baby one more time...

No I'm not referring to the soon to be 30 year-old pop star Britney Spears, but I'm talking about when baby tries his or her best Bruce Lee impression and kicks my wife! This is not a bad thing though as it shows that the baby is healthy and active. I wanted to share a special moment when my wife was having a nap and I decided to have a father-child talk. As I was telling baby about my day and how mummy and I are so happy that we will see him or her very soon, I actually see my wife's tummy move. No it wasn't because she was hungry but I very much feel that it was baby responding to my voice! I put my hands to my wife's tummy to remove any doubt and sure enough, I felt a distinctive "kick". It was as if baby was saying "Yes daddy, its me". It was a great feeling and further cemented how awesome our God is.

Time waits for

How time wife is close to 23 weeks already and the time when she showed me the twin lines on the pregnancy test seems so long ago... So far, so good as the last doctor appointment revealed a normal pregnancy with vital signs all positive! The doctor even gave us his best guess of the sex of the baby but we won't spread the news yet until it's confirmed...yes that goes for you as well our dear readers... There has been up's (baby's yawn on the cute) and down's (my wife's constant backaches) but through it all, our faith in our Lord is still strong. Please keep on praying for us as we are so close to the finish line and we want to finish strong.

Hello World...I mean baby!

My wife always tells me I like to procrastinate...haha how true she is however I feel if I don't get this blog done now, baby will be 30 years old for me to get on it again... This blog is set up for a simple reason, to thank God for His special gift and also to make an online diary of our adventure together with baby. You may think why the title is "Precious Baby", my wife's cousin is a doctor and he stated that a baby is declared "precious" (a medical term), it means high risk because my wife is over 30 and this is our first child. However, to us, this baby is indeed "precious" but on a deeper level because it is a gift from God (hence the website name) and we know that this baby is perfect in every way. As its stated in the Bible, James 1:17 that our faith in our Father above is strong.  Join us on this journey of a lifetime as I try my best to update this blog often. James 1:17 New International Version (NIV) 17  Every good and perf...