Hush Little Baby, Don't Say a Word, Daddy's Gonna Buy You a Mockingbird...Daddy I Want to Buy It Myself!
Toddlers - I'm sure as parents, many of us have horror stories to tell right? I'm not saying my little Stephanie Tia is an angel, but thank God her terrible twos and now her threes are going kinda well. She has her moods now and then, but it's been pretty mild (plus me and my wife just need to give one glance, and she stops in her tracks).
I know the time will come when another man will take my place of taking care of her, but till then, I will always be the man in her life, taking care of her, watching over her, disciplining her when she's naughty, and be the one she can count on. I know it won't be easy, but I thank God that I have my lovely wife to support me and not forgetting our Father in Heaven to light the way.
Another thing that I know we all notice, is that they want to do things themselves. From changing her clothes, to showering, to putting her own shoes, to eating; mummy's and daddy's help are not required. In a way, I am proud that she is doing things by herself but another part of me still wants to be the daddy who helps her in everything. Watching her grow up, I sometimes long for the times when I was able to wrap her in my arms and rock her to sleep; but I have a front row seat at seeing my little baby grow up into a little lady and that is awesome too.

creative commons licensed (BY-NC-ND) flickr photo by Genevive_Too:
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