To Baby With Love

That brings me to her studies. Me and my wife went to see her teachers today for a Meet The Teachers Day to talk about her progress... And to our delight, the teachers said unanimously that Stephanie Tia was a very polite, well liked, and smart student. The only thing was that she is playful and tends to drift out during her lessons.
Me and my wife don't want to pressure our lil one to be the next Einstein but to enjoy her childhood and experience an all rounded education. What we do not compromise in any way however is that teachers must always be respected and to beloved. Teachers to me are a special breed and it reminds me of the educators in shows like Mind Your Language, Dangerous Minds, and the classic To Sir With Love. May God bless all these wonderful people who take it upon themselves to be so selfless and teach our children to be the best that they can be.
To all teachers, I want to wish you all a belated Happy Teacher's Day!
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