To Go Where No Baby Has Gone Before
We as parents are truly blessed to have a little miss who is mature beyond her age, caring, thoughtful, friendly, and more importantly, fears the Lord. With her being double-digit in age, we know that the teen years are upon her and this brings new challenges and adventures. She has already planned where she wants to study at (university) and she is literally counting the days until she flies off into the "Rising Sun" (a little clue here on her favoured destination). On what she wants to study, well she's got that figured out as well, let me just say, Lara Croft and Indiana Jones has a new adventurer on their tails!
Do I look at the future with trepidation or fear? Well, not so much; I will see where the road leads, but all I know is that when we follow His ways, it will come out well. I know that He holds our future, and life is truly worth living just because He lives.
Photo by Rakicevic Nenad from Pexels
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