
Showing posts from 2014

A, Baby, C, It's Easy as 1, 2, 3...

Education is the most important tool for anyone. With education comes power and the ability to choose somewhat your own path in life. Lessons however do not end at the end of our formal education as we learn everyday in life. As Albert Einstien stated, "Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school". That is why we decided a few months back to bring Stephanie Tia to a playschool. It is not so much on the learning but the chance for her to mingle around with kids her own age. Mind you, we had no problem at all with the previous babysitter who is excellent by the way, but we felt baby needed this.

You jump, Baby jump...

"1, 2, Daddy catch!", that's what my daughter said just before she jumped off the table and thankfully I was fast enough to catch her as she laughed whilst my heart was pumping thinking what if...after telling her not to do that again and checking if she was ok (she was and was running around in no time), it came to my mind, how much she trusted me to catch her as she sailed through the air with no fear at all. As a Christian, moreover an adult one, I sometimes wish I had that same kind of faith of my heavenly Father above. It seems the more we get "smarter", the less we see things through the eyes of a child.

The Baby Has Landed...

Cheese, silver & glass...what do these have in common? It seems that it doesn't have anything to do with each other however, these were the characteristics associated with the moon. Yes the moon that revolves around the earth. It was at the start of the 17th Century that man had a more scientific view of the moon. It would take another 350 years before we had the technology to first send a rover and then man on the moon. In 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon and something that seemed so far suddenly became a reality.